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Streets and sidewalks in disrepair can damage our cars and cause injuries, especially for seniors and people living with a disability. Speeding cars can cause dangerous accidents. And residents want their neighborhoods to be clean and in good repair as a point of pride.
The first step is to identify what needs fixing. Can you help? Click on the link, fill out info about the street or sidewalk repair you want fixed. We'll make sure it gets added to the map with a photo.
As your city council person, Christian will work with residents, civic associations, and the 5th District Planning Council to get the City to prioritize and address these issues.
A Strong Advocate:
Christian has professional training in urban planning. She understands the path to public infrastructure repairs often includes multiple levels of government, planning, and long-timelines. Over the last 15 years, Christian has successfully engaged neighbors in multiple efforts to improve our public infrastructure, from slowing traffic on Union Street to renovations at Connell St., Fourth St, Tilton, Cool Spring, and Rodney Reservoir Parks.
As your Councilperson, Christian will work with YOU and your neighbors to identify the path for addressing the public infrastructure problems you want fixed and she will stick with it to get results.
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